These rules are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of the motor sport of garden tractor pulling events and to minimize the risk of injury to both participants and spectators during such events. It is ultimately the obligation of each participant to ensure that his/her conduct and equipment comply with all applicable rules and regulations, as they may be amended from time to time. No express or implied warranty of safety shall result from the publication or compliance with these rules. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to pullers, spectators, or others.
All tractors must be built for the rules of the class or classes that it is pulled in. There are no modifying or changes to these rules. If these rules do not say you can do it or have it, then you cannot do it or have it.
Scratching from a class previous to its start shall constitute a refund of entry fee.
- Scratching from a class after it has begun shall not constitute a refund.
- Officials will determine pulling position.
- All tractors must go through a tech inspection. Once inspected, all tractors will be assigned a number that is to be displayed on the rear of the tractor.
- All entries must be in one hour before event is to start. No exceptions.
Vehicle Operations
- All vehicles must be operated in a safe manner at all times. Vehicles are limited to one driver – no riders. This is to also include tow and maintenance vehicles.
- Driver will remain in seat for duration of pull attempt.
- During active competition, driver will have at least one hand on the steering wheel. No hand may grasp edge of fender at any time during the duration of a pull attempt.
- Flagman will stop any pull attempt considered unsafe.
- Driver must be on seat at all times while engine is running. Hands and arms are not allowed to be lower than 2' above the ground during competition.
- Hands and arms cannot contact the sled chain or the sled buckboard or any other portion of the sled.
- All drivers - youth and adult - must demonstrate to the Tech Committee that they can safely operate their tractor, including operating the steering, clutch, brake, shift, and throttle controls as applicable.
- A tear down protest consists of a deposit of $25 for the first item, $10 for each additional item in question. This deposit must be made at the time of protest. Protest may only be made by any competitor in the same class as the vehicle in question.
- For each protested item found to be legal, the protester shall forfeit the corresponding deposit. If said tractor is illegal, the owner will forfeit all points and entry fees of the day for all classes that the vehicle would be in violation. The deposit for all items proven illegal will be returned to the protester. Determination of whether a particular tractor is illegal is solely at the discretion of the Tech Committee. Only competitors competing in a class may protest pullers in that class.
All vehicles must have stationary weight brackets. No weight allowed in either seat or hook point. All weights must be secured to vehicle. Weights are not to extend more than 12” beyond the rear tire, nor shall any portion of weights be positioned more than 72” in front of the center of the rear wheel.
- Weigh-in will occur before 1st attempted hook of class. Vehicle must have all safety equipment in place, have sufficient fuel, oil and water as applicable with driver in the seat. No adding of fuel or weights unless reweighing. Weights may however be relocated without repercussion. NO VEHICLE EXCEEDING CLASS WEIGHT WILL BE ALLOWED PAST SCALES. AT THE DISCRETION OF TRACK OFFICIALS, AN ALLOWANCE MAY BE GIVEN FOR AN IMPERFECT SCALE HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE NO LENIENCY ON THE ACCEPTED WEIGHT.
- Neither weights nor weight brackets are to be used as bumpers. Weight bracket/weights may only extend a maximum of 12" behind the rear of the rear tire.
- Disqualification: Any loss of ballast weight during the course of competition, failure to have all safety equipment in place, or a deliberate attempt to cause slack in the chain while under the green flag. Any practice utilizing competition vehicle, tow vehicle or other event related equipment, before - during - or after the event, at the event site, which the official considers both deliberate and unsafe, may result in disqualification.
- Drivers of all vehicles may wear a helmet that is DOT or SNELL rated with chin strap, no bike or skateboard helmets allowed. All youth drivers must wear a helmet, drivers suit zipped and/or closed to their fullest extent including throat flap. Fire resistant underwear, head sock, and gloves not required for any class except UL950, 1000 and 1050 if alcohol, methanol or E85 is used. Recommend the use of SFI rating 3-2A/1 clothing for all competitors.
- Drivers of all vehicles are required to wear a minimum of long pants, shirt and closed-toe shoes or boots (no sandals or open toe shoes).
- If a driver of a vehicle is wearing a jacket, it must be closed.
- All vehicles must have a secure seat. Seat may not extend behind rear tires.
- Seat must have a back, which stands a minimum of 3" above the top of the seat surface unless original to tractor.
All vehicles must have functional steering and brakes. Rear wheel brakes required on all vehicles except when factory garden tractor transaxle brake is used.
Fire Extinguisher
Optional on all tractors. If equipped with a fire extinguisher, it must be a fully charged, functional fire extinguisher with a gauge, within easy reach of the driver. Minimum size: 1 1/2 lbs. dry chemical or 1 lb. Halon.
RPM: ALL CLASSES EXCEPT MT14, MT18, MT25, UL950, UL1000, & UL1050
4500 RPM MAX governor controlled in all classes except MT14, MT18, MT25, UL 950, UL 1000, UL 1050. Any tractor in MT14, MT18, MT25, UL 950, UL 1000, UL 1050 must have steel flywheels if it is not governor controlled. Tech committee members can check RPM at their discretion at any event.
Use of a "dead man throttle," with the rear-most position being idle, is optional if the engine is controlled by a factory governor that limits RPM to 4,500 or less mandatory if RPM is not controlled by a factory governor.
- Must discharge vertically (+ or - 10 degrees) upward and extend at least 12" from the exhaust port, unless a muffler is used.
- Exceptions to this exhaust rule are the use of mufflers, which may discharge in any direction. Mufflers may exit to the front, to the side, up, down, or to the back. Exhaust must be securely attached.
- All vehicles must have sturdy, safely secured fenders that will protect the driver from the tires. All fenders should be original tractor fenders, or replacements of similar design.
- Using edge of fender as a grasp point to obtain "leaning leverage" will result in disqualification. Sturdy handles may be installed on fenders for this purpose. Fingers are not allowed between the fender and the tire.
Wheelie Bars, also known as Stabilizer/Bumper Bars
- Required on all tractors.
- The device must consist of two separate assemblies, each equipped with either a skid plate or a wheel.
- Skid plates to be at least 3" wide x at least 4" long. Wheels to be at least 1" wide and 4" in diameter with no breakable plastic wheel centers. Wheels damaged or broken during competition, or during loading/unloading, or at any other time must be replaced before the next event following the event where damage occurred. Back edge of skid plate or center of wheel must be at least 5" but not more than 22" behind a line drawn vertically at rear face of tire. Maximum distance from ground to bottom edge of wheel or skid pad is 5".
- One stabilizer bar shall be on each side of the tractor with the combination of the two strong enough to support the weight of the tractor and driver when a jack is placed under them to raise the tractor when weighted to maximum weight for heaviest class where the tractor might compete. A test of this nature may be performed at events from time to time. Tractors failing the test may not be allowed to participate in the event at the discretion of the Tech Committee.
- Bumper bars must extend a minimum of 6" vertically from the rearmost tip of skid pad or back edge of wheel. The top of the vertical bar must be braced forward to stabilizer bar assembly or chassis. Stabilizer/bumper bar set must be at least 6" apart. Bumper bars must be constructed strong enough to prevent buckboard of the sled skid pan from coming in contact with rear tires in the event of a collision between the tractor and the sled (AKA weight transfer machine).
Hitch/Draw Bar
- Maximum hitch height for all tractors is 13”. Drawbar is to be parallel to the ground within 10 degrees except Econo Stock. Econo Stock Class tractors will run stock hitches as long as they are not over 13 inches high. LT/GT class vehicles may enter Modified and Unlimited Classes and run their stock hitches. All Modified and Unlimited Class vehicles must have a drawbar that is constructed from non-cast material and is stationary in all directions when pulling (it can be adjustable, but adjustment must not change during a pull). Recommended minimum Modified Class drawbar thickness at hook point: 3/8", maximum 3/4". All draw bars must have a 3/4" minimum diameter hole.
- Minimum 1/2" cross section thickness required around any opening machined or manufactured into Modified and Multiple engine and Unlimited Class drawbar assemblies. Minimum diameter of any attaching round stock or pivot pin: 1/2". Minimum of 5 3/8", Grade #5 bolts or 3 ½” Grade #5 bolts or equivalent welding strength required securing drawbar assembly to differential housing, transaxle, or chassis.
- Area 4” wide and 2” high immediately above the drawbar must be free of all obstructions including weights and weight brackets for ease of hooking and unhooking sled/weight transfer machine chain.
- All holes other than drawbar hole should be filled so hitching to sled can be made easier.
Fuel Lines
All vehicles must have fuel lines that are either routed or suspended to keep them away from hot engine components or use steel braided lines.
- Any readily available pump gasoline up to 114 octane rating is acceptable. Gasoline containing up to 10% alcohol/methanol is acceptable. E85 is not allowed in any classes except MT14, MT18, MT25, UL950, UL1000, and UL1050.
- Straight alcohol or straight methanol is allowed in MT14, MT18, MT25, UL950, UL1000, & UL1050 ONLY, at the sole discretion of the Tech Committee. E85 is classified as alcohol.
Diesel Fuel
Diesel fuel readily available at any commercial pump diesel fuel source is acceptable. No performance enhancing additives allowed.
Illegal Fuels
- All forms of nitro methane and similar fuels or fuel additives.
- Any oxygen improving chemical or agent is illegal in all classes.
- No pressurized fuels allowed.
Fuel Shut-off
All vehicles are recommended to have a manual fuel shutoff valve on low pressure side. This is optional for all tractors.
Fuel Tanks
No fuel tank(s) will be mounted to engine unless factory mounted in (LT/GT and ECONO classes only). All fuel tanks will be vented away from engine and exhaust.
Kill Switch (AKA Breakaway Switch)
- Kill switches are optional in all classes Except MT and higher. If so equipped, switch must be capable of immediately shutting down the engine as well as electric fuel pump(s), in case of accidental separation from the sled/weight transfer machine during the course of competition.
- On diesel engines so equipped, the kill switch must activate the air shutoff. No electrically operated air shutoffs. Diesel system must have a spring-loaded air shut-off device activated by a cable, unless the engine RPM is controlled by a factory governor.
- Kill switch shall be located at the rear of the vehicle in a position that will allow for easy attachment/detachment of a cable from the sled. It is recommended that kill switches be mounted within a 6" radius of the hitch hook point.
- Break-away kill switches must have a minimum 1 1/2 in. diameter solid ring (ring no less than 1/8 in. cross section thickness) attached to them. Spiral type rings must be welded at each end to make ring solid. The cable from the sled must be attached to this ring. Trimmed OEM factory kill switch cable rings are also acceptable.
Flywheels/Starter Pulleys
- Billet steel or billet aluminum flywheel allowed. No welding or machining of stock cast flywheels is allowed.
- No welded fins are allowed.
- Any starter pulley or starter drive attached to exposed end of crankshaft must have a retaining device bolted to crankshaft to prevent pulley or drive from coming off.
- No engine flywheel, torque converter, or clutch assembly may rotate faster than the crankshaft speed.
Ignition Points
Any vehicle ignition system utilizing points must have a plastic or metal cover over the points to inhibit the chance of fire.
Auxiliary starters
Auxiliary starters separate from the tractor itself are not allowed except in UL 950, 1000, 1050. All tractors must be capable of starting under their own power, although an engine may be started by an auxiliary source if the tractor engine starter normally able to start the engine fails to do so. All tractors must be capable of backing up to the sled under their own power, except the Unlimited Classes. The use of auxiliary tractor drives is permitted in the Multiple Engine, and Unlimited Classes only.
Breather Tubes
Breather tubes must exit forward of the rear tires, except rear engine tractors. Breather tubes must be vented below the head of the engine and extend down toward the engine pan.
Air Filters
All tractors must have an air filter.
No superchargers or turbochargers.
Injector Butterfly Shafts
Must have dual return-to-idle arms and springs, one on each side. Diesel engines must have an external visible return-to-idle spring on the fuel injection pump throttle arm.
Cast Blocks: Scatter shield opposite the camshaft side of the motor required on all engines capable of operating over 4,500 RPM, optional on engines held to 4,500 RPM or less by factory governor control.
- Does not apply to V-twin engines. It must be of a minimum of 1/16" steel or .090" aluminum.
- Minimum dimensions must be from the bottom of engine to 4 1/2" above the centerline of the crankshaft and must be at least 7" in width.
- Shield must be attached to the chassis at bottom and under hood at top in a secure manner.
- Roller Chains, Drive Belts: must be shielded radially, top, front and rear, with minimum 1/16" (.060") steel. Shield must be wider than belt. Factory shields are acceptable if used, even if they may not exactly meet all of the above criteria. Hoods, grills, fenders, frames, etc can be considered part of such shielding.
- Any non-factory rotating mass attached to crankshaft must be enclosed top, sides, and exposed end with a minimum 1/8" (.125) steel or 1/4" (.250) aluminum. Shield must be within 1/2" of housing and securely attached to engine block or chassis.
- All Modified Class and Unlimited Class: All Unlimited Class vehicles utilizing an automotive disc type clutch must have clutch covered 360 degrees with 3/16" (.187") steel or 1/4" (.250") aluminum and have minimum 1/8" (.125") end plates with a maximum center diameter hole of 6".
- Drive shafts: All Modified, Multiple Engine, and Unlimited Class vehicles must have round metal loops shielding drive shaft, if there is a drive shaft on the tractor. Maximum of 1' between loops, minimum of 2 loops. The 360-degree loops must be a minimum of 1/4" (.250) aluminum or 3/16" (.187") steel, 3/4" wide and not more than 1 1/2" from the shaft in any direction. It is acceptable to use a solid tube (1/4" aluminum or 3/16" steel) to meet the above requirements. Loops are not required if the driveshaft has a center carrier pillow block bearing. U-joints: All U-joints must be shielded 360 degrees with 1/4" (.250") aluminum or 3/16" (.187") steel. The minimum length shall be not less than 1/2" greater than the U joint assembly.
Rear ends
- Tractors must have a stock transaxle. No positraction or limited slip or welded or locked carriers except per rule 2 below.
- Modified, Multiple Engine, and Unlimited classes do not have to have a stock transaxle and can have positraction or limited slip or welded or locked carriers.
- No special competition puller tires are allowed except in UL 950, 1000, 1050. Standard over-the-counter turf tread and bar tread tires manufactured by Firestone, Titan, Nanco, Goodyear, Carlisle, B F Goodrich, Nankang, McCreary, Bridgestone, Denman, etc are acceptable. Tires may be ground, cut, siped, grooved, etc if desired, subject to remaining in safe running condition. Tech committee will make final decision regarding tires deemed to be unsafe.
- Competition tires are allowed in UL 950, 1000, 1050.
- No grinding, cutting, siping, grooving, etc. on ECONO STOCK classes stock turf or terra tires.
Wheelbase and Length
- Econo, LT, and GT: Must have stock wheelbase.
- MT and DT: Maximum wheelbase of 56".
- ME and UL: No wheelbase limitations. See rule 4.
- All classes: No portion of the tractor shall extend beyond 72" from the center of the rear axle to the front most part of the tractor I.E. hood, tire or weight.
- Front axle can be changed in LT, and GT but wheelbase must stay stock.
ECONO STOCK Light, Middle, And Heavy
- Tractors will run in three classes. The light class includes any tractor weighing up to 650 pounds. Middle class tractors may weigh 651 pounds to 850 pounds. Heavy class tractors weigh from 851 pounds to a maximum of 1000 pounds. The aforementioned weights are the tractor and driver combined weight. Weight bracket will be allowed. NO ADDITIONAL WEIGHTS WILL BE ALLOWED.
- Tractors will run stock turf tires. No V-bar or lug tires will be allowed. No grinding, cutting, siping, grooving, etc. Maximum tire size is 23x10.5x12.
- Tractors will have the mowing deck, the belt or both removed or disabled to the satisfaction of the Tech Committee.
- All tractors will use the stock hitch and be no higher than 13 inches tall.
- Tractors are required to have wheelie bars after the 3rd pull that meet the requirements in the General Rules section.
- Must be stock original type engine and stock type muffler. The crankshaft and cylinder orientation must be the same as original, and within 2HP of original factory engine.
- Foot Throttles are allowed in ALL Econo Stock classes.
- Tractors will run under the stock class rules.
- Tractors are only allowed to run stock turf tires. Maximum tire size is 23x10.5x12.
- Tractors will have the mowing deck removed.
- All tractors can have a hitch no higher than 13 inches tall.
- Tractors must have wheelie bars per the requirements in the General Rules section.
- Tractors will run #1000 lbs. weights are allowed in this class only.
- Foot Throttles are allowed.
Engine must be stock original type. The crankshaft and cylinder orientation must be the same as original, and within 2HP of original factory engine.
STOCK TRACTORS – Classes LT8, LT12, GT8, GT12, GT14, GT16, GT20, GT25, DT25
- Factory stock, commercially available, garden tractor with cast block engine. Engine must be a lawn/garden tractor type engine, although it does not have to be the original engine for that model tractor. Engine, chassis, and sheet metal must be from a factory produced garden tractor, or be a facsimile thereof, and maintain stock general appearance. Minor modifications to sheet metal and frame allowed accommodating an engine different from the original, subject to acceptance by the Tech committee. Wheelbase must remain original. Original tractor paint color, factory decals, etc. need not be maintained. Painted flames, tasteful decals, etc. may be added as desired. No alcohol, tobacco, or offensive advertising or printing, etc. is allowed.
- Must use only OEM available parts for engine manufacturer and general engine family configuration. If OEM parts are no longer available, similar replacements may be used as long as they are not of a performance enhancing nature. No performance improving alterations to chassis or engine parts allowed unless specifically noted in Stock class rules.
- Modifications to clutch, driveline, and transaxle assembly are allowed to reduce or prevent breakage or improve safety.
- Use of locked rear ends/transaxles is not allowed.
- No visible welding of block or cylinder head. Cylinder head may be milled up to a maximum of .125". Engine block decks may be milled a maximum of .010”.
- Maximum bore size: Can use any piston available from the factory for the brand engine and model configuration being run. Piston must be flush or below deck of block. If a sleeve is placed in the cylinder bore, it must return the engine to a stock bore for the engine model being run.
- No fabricated intake manifolds, carburetor stand-offs, or velocity stacks allowed. Air cleaners are optional. Aftermarket air cleaners allowed, as long as they are not of a velocity stack type.
- Carburetor must be stock, unaltered, and unpolished. Choke butterfly and shaft must be in place. Air restricting venturi must not exceed stock size for engine model, horsepower, and configuration.
- Port altering, grinding, and/or polishing allowed. Valve relieving allowed.
- Maximum tire size: Lawn tractor classes LT8 and LT12 are limited to maximum tire size of 20x10.00x8 if running 8” diameter rims, or 20x10.00x10 if running 10” diameter rims. Maximum rim diameter allowed for all lawn tractors is 10”. Garden tractor class GT8 is limited to maximum tire size of 23x10.50x12. Garden tractor classes GT12, GT14, GT16, GT20, GT25 and DT25 are limited to a maximum tire size of 26x12.00x12.
- Chassis may not be lengthened to accept non-original engine. You must maintain the original wheelbase in its original location.
- Maximum distance from center of rear axle to furthest point forward: 72”.
- There are 8 stock classes. Combined weight of vehicle and driver is: 650# for class LT8 young people/adult, which is for stock lawn tractors with a factory rating of 8 horsepower or less with gear drive transmission, 700# for class LT12 young people/adult, which is stock lawn tractors with a factory rating of 12 horsepower or less with gear drive. 750# for class GT8 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors with a factory rating of 8 horsepower or less with gear drive. 950# for class GT12 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors with a factory rating of 12 horsepower or less with gear drive. 950# for class GT14 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors with a factory rating of 14 horsepower or less with gear drive, 1000# for class GT16 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors with a factory rating of 16 horsepower or less with gear drive. and 1000# for class GT20 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors with a factory rating of 20 horsepower or less if equipped with a gear drive. 1050# for class GT25 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors with a factory rating of 25 horsepower or less if equipped with a gear drive. 1050# for class DT25 young people/adult, which is for stock garden tractors equipped with Diesel engines with factory rating of 25 HP or less, liquid cooled engines allowed. Each class is allowed 2 horsepower or less over horsepower of class if hydrostatic.
- In the GT20, GT25, DT25 Youth and adults pull together in these classes with a minimum age of 14. All drivers are subject to Tech Committee approval.
Modified – Classes MT14 MT18 and MT25 for garden tractors with a single engine
- Commercially available garden tractor with cast block engine. Limited to 14HP, 18HP or 25HP engine block. Chassis and sheet metal must be from factory produced garden tractor, or be a reasonable facsimile thereof, and maintain general stock appearance. No after market competition blocks allowed.
- Aftermarket parts for naturally aspirated engines allowed, including solid aluminum heads.
- No visible welding or externally visible modifications to block or cylinder head.
- Maximum bore size: Can use any piston available from any source. Safe cylinder wall thickness must be maintained as specified by the engine block manufacturer.
- Crankshaft stroke can be increased up to .250” maximum over standard for the engine block being run.
- Fabricated intake manifolds or carburetor standoffs are allowed. Only one carburetor is allowed.
- Carburetor must be stock appearing for engine manufacturer. Maximum air restricting venturi diameter: 1.200 inch. Air flow must be controlled by throttle shaft actuated butterfly in stock location. No air may enter intake after 1.200-inch restriction. Velocity stacks are allowed. No fuel injection allowed unless engine originally factory equipped with it.
- Maximum camshafts regrind spec: .330” lift at zero lash. Maximum valve diameter: 1.380”.
- Stock appearing hood and grill required. May switch to another factory sheet metal but must maintain stock appearance.
- Maximum tire size: 26 x 12.00 x 12.
- Maximum wheelbase: 56”. See also rule wheelbase and length of this section.
- Maximum combined weight of vehicle and driver: 1050#.
- Stock class tractors may compete in the Modified class if desired. They shall be able to run the same tractor safety equipment as they do in the Stock class. See rule 14.
- Helmets required for all drivers competing in this class. Helmets must be DOT or SNELL rated with chin strap.
- Youth and adults pull together in the MT classes with a minimum age of 14. All drivers are subject to Tech Committee approval.
Unlimited Class UL950, UL1000, UL1050, with single engine
- Standard Garden tractor or similar engines, no horsepower or rpm limits with proof of aftermarket steel or billet flywheels (will be checked at test day or tractor's first pull). Aftermarket garden tractor competition blocks are allowed. No motorcycle, snowmobile, or similar engines allowed. Can run one engine with a maximum of 4 cylinders in single engine class section UL950, UL1000, and UL1050. Single engine tractors are not allowed to compete in ME1150 class for multiple engine tractors. Engines must be under a hood.
- Maximum tire size: 26 x 12.00 x 12. Special competition puller tires are allowed - Cepaks, Pit Bulls, Lawn Tecs, or similar tires. Tires may be ground, cut, siped, grooved, etc. if desired, subject to remaining in safe running condition. The Tech committee will make final decision regarding tires deemed to be unsafe.
- Gasoline, diesel fuel, methanol or alcohol only. If methanol or alcohol is used, a fire suit must be worn.
- Maximum weight of vehicle and driver: UL 950 has a maximum weight limit of 950#, UL1000 has a maximum weight limit of 1000#, and UL 1050 has a maximum weight limit of 1050#. Single engine tractors from lower classes may move up to UL950, UL1000, and UL1050 if the tractor meets all of the requirements of any of the Stock, Modified class requirements.
- Any type of frame may be run, as long as it passes safety inspection by the Tech committee. Vehicle must have hood, grill, rear fenders, steering wheel, seat, etc., although it does not have to replicate a particular brand or model of tractor.
- Stock and Modified class tractors may compete in the Unlimited Class if desired. They shall be able to run the same tractor safety equipment as they do in the Stock and Modified classes. See rule 7.
- Helmets required for all drivers competing in this class. Helmets must be DOT or SNELL rated with chin strap.
- Standard track length for UL950, 1000, & 1050 classes is 125'.
- Youth can pull in UL950, UL1000, and UL1050.
- Youth and adults pull together in the UL classes with a minimum age of 14. All drivers are subject to Tech Committee approval.
Multiple Engine Class ME1050 for garden tractors having multiple engines
- Standard garden tractor or similar engines limited to 36HP combined total (Note – single engine tractors are not allowed to compete in ME1050 section for multiple engine tractors). No after market competition blocks, can run 2, 3, or 4 engines as long as total cumulative factory rating does not exceed 36HP, and the total number of cylinders does not exceed 4. All engines must be under a hood resembling a traditional garden tractor (hoods may be modified in length and/or width to accommodate multiple engines). Diesel engines limited to 20HP total cumulative maximum. Diesel engines must be governor controlled to factory rpm specification. No injection pump alterations allowed.
- Maximum tire size: 26x12.00x12.
- Maximum combined weight of vehicle and driver: 1050#. Tractors competing in ME1050 must have multiple engines.
- Factory stock, commercially available, garden tractor with cast block engine. Engine must be a lawn/garden tractor type engine, although it does not have to be the not be maintained. Painted flames, tasteful decals, etc. may be added as desired. No alcohol, tobacco, or offensive advertising or printing, etc. is allowed.
- Must use only OEM available parts for engine manufacturer and general engine family configuration. If OEM parts are no longer available, similar replacements may be used as long as they are not of a performance enhancing nature. Aftermarket rods that are the stock length are ok. No performance improving alterations to engine parts allowed unless specifically noted.
- Modifications to clutch, driveline, and transaxle assembly are allowed to reduce or prevent breakage or improve safety.
- No visible welding of block or cylinder head. Cylinder head may be milled up to a maximum of .125". Engine block decks may be milled a maximum of .010”.
- Maximum bore size: Can use any piston available from the factory for the brand engine and model configuration being run. Piston must be flush or below deck of block. If a sleeve is placed in the cylinder bore, it must return the engine to a stock bore for the engine model being run.
- No fabricated intake manifolds, or velocity stacks allowed. Aftermarket air cleaners allowed, as long as they are not of a velocity stack type. Carburetor to block spacers are ok no longer than 1 ½ inches.
- Carburetor must be stock, unaltered, and unpolished. Choke butterfly and shaft must be in place. Air restricting venturi must not exceed stock size for engine model, horsepower, and configuration. Must have all factory horsepower limiting stops in place I.E. (throttle stop on 18 hp. Kohler commands).
- Port altering, grinding, and/or polishing allowed. Valve relieving allowed.
- In the ME1050 Youth and adults pull together in these classes with a minimum age of 14.
Multiple Engine Class ME1150 for garden tractors having multiple engines
- Standard garden tractor or similar engines, no horsepower limits. Aftermarket garden tractor competition blocks are allowed. Can run 2, 3, or 4 engines in multi engine section ME1150 as long as the total number of cylinders does not exceed 4.
- All engines must be under a hood resembling a traditional garden tractor (hoods may be modified in length and/or width to accommodate multiple engines). Diesel engines are allowed and must be governor controlled to factory rpm specification. No injection pump alterations allowed.
- Maximum tire size: 26 x 12.00 x 12.
- ME1150 has a weight limit of 1,150#. Multiple engine tractors may move up from ME1050 to ME1150 with the same limitations. No single engine tractors allowed in ME1150.
- Any type of frame may be run, as long as it passes safety inspection by the Tech committee. Vehicle must maintain a tractor appearance with hood, grill, rear fenders, steering wheel, seat, etc., although it does not have to replicate a particular brand or model of tractor. Must have a provision for backing up to the sled under its own power. The Tech Committee will make final decision of whether a particular tractor meets the guidelines of this rule.
- ME1050 Class tractors may compete in the ME1150 class if desired. They shall be able to run the same tractor safety equipment as they do in the ME1050 class.
- In the ME1150 Youth and adults pull together in these classes with a minimum age of 14.